It all started 2014 in the name of Litekart. After 8 years of evolution, the software now powers more than 800 stores worldwide


Febuary 2022

  • Message upgrade
  • Wishlist upgrade
  • Category upgrade
  • Business upgrade
  • Claim upgrade
  • Subscription upgrade
  • Rating and review upgrade
  • Appointment booking upgrade
  • Hotel booking intoduced
  • Faq, page and blog,country upgrade
  • Location wise searching upgrade
  • Joi validation upgrade
  • Shipping provider shippo,shipRocket and pickrr shifted from gloabal setting to store specific
  • Vendor upgrade for user register
  • Listing import added
  • Export utility simplified
  • Hotel room booking introduced
  • Affilliate program upgrade
  • Email / phone login at login endpoint
  • Import history upgrade
  • Contact us with email notification introduced
  • Vendor bug fixing
  • Multiple room booking introduce via session and db cart hotel
  • Amenities upgrade for hotel and room

January 2022

  • Return and replace orderItem logic introduced
  • Repalce order sync and replacement also request for return orderItem
  • Unavailable items introduced in cart
  • Import through csv tracking upgrade
  • Cashfree subscription upgrade
  • Adding into cart upgrade
  • Address upgrade
  • Influencer added
  • ClearCache added
  • StoreLanguage introduced
  • Appointment booking improvements
  • Document update
  • Introduce rest api endpoints
  • Business Listing introduced
  • GEO Location introduce for business listing
  • Amenities introduce business listing
  • Event and appointment upgrade
  • File upload upgrade(single and multiple file upload in s3 through rest api added)
  • Message introduced
  • State migration added
  • Made comapatible utiltiy for resolvers and rest endpoint
  • Rating and review upgrade for listing
  • Login activity track introduced
  • Claim introduced for listing

December 2021

  • Store migration upgrade
  • Review upgrade
  • StoreCurrency introduced for multiple countries in store
  • StoreCountry introduced for multiple countries in store
  • VendorInfo to vendor
  • Coupon upgrade
  • Indexing and Caching
  • Options added in product
  • Option attachment in cart, order and orderItem
  • Date and daterange inputType added in cartitem, order.item, orderitem
  • Customer and vendor notificationn setting added in store configuration
  • Subscription field added and cron jobs added for subsciption updation
  • Add types filter in product
  • Subscription payment introduced
  • GEO location feature introduced
  • Inventory managemen
  • Automatice subsciption bought on expiry logic added for stripe
  • Rest endpoint home/init endpoint via caching improved

November 2021

  • Shipping Provider sync utility upgrade
  • Country update in store
  • CurrencyFormat introduce
  • Prdouct upgrade with dimention and weight
  • DailySales upgrade
  • GDPRDataDeleteRequest introduced
  • Schedule demo introduced
  • Coupon upgrade for customer uses
  • Stripe payment for mobile introduced
  • Migration upgrade
  • Cart logic upgrade
  • Forgot password via email upgrade
  • Otp login upgrade
  • Customer message upgrade
  • Shipping upgrade
  • Vendor Info upgrade
  • Product expiry added
  • Food Type introduced

October 2021

  • Authentication upgrade
  • Apple login integration
  • Shippo bug fixing for comman items
  • Seperate vendor info model introduced
  • Currency exchange provider added
  • Address upgrade
  • Order placement upgrade
  • CDN introduce for faster image accesibility
  • Stripe Payment upgrade
  • Customer listing introduced based on orders
  • Braintree integration
  • Assest upgrade shifted to repo
  • Multiple Language for same store introduced
  • Shippo upgrade
  • Order upgrade
  • Address needed or not as per cart products type
  • Shiprocket bug fixing
  • Vendor commision introduced
  • PreOrder introduced
  • Pickrr shipping provider integration
  • Unlimited stock and totalSold product tracking introduced
  • Store timing introduced
  • Zip added for vendor verification
  • Email template upgrade
  • Slot functionality introduced
  • FileUpload bug fixing
  • Categories upgrade
  • Email tempalte introduced for stores and gloabally
  • Product upgrade
  • Cart upgrade
  • Category upgrade
  • Currency upgrade
  • You may like products introduced
  • Trending products upgrade

September 2021

  • Google login upgrade
  • Facebook login upgrade
  • AnswerSheet introduced with answer key pdf upload
  • Store migration upgrade
  • Image and images sync upgrade
  • Phone number validation added
  • Subscription upgrade
  • Image upload upgrade
  • Graphql performance improved
  • Banner upgrade
  • Export records in csv upgrade
  • AttributeCategories bug fixing
  • Import through csv upgrade
  • Import samples introduced
  • Password protected deployment
  • Store migration introduced
  • Currency introduced in cart
  • Shippo utility upgrade
  • Paypal payment upgrade
  • Cart merge on login via otp
  • Currency exchange introduced for automatic currency conversion
  • Documentation upgrade

August 2021

  • QR code introduced
  • Sizechart introduced
  • Coupon discount introduced
  • Google merchant,Facebook mechant
  • GiftWrap intoduced
  • Auto migrate sample data on store creation
  • GoogleOnetap added
  • Product and banner migration added in store
  • Store monitoring feature added

July 2021

  • Multiple store functionalty aded
  • Product return fucntion added
  • OrderHistory added based on config/store/orderStatuses
  • Trending products added
  • Shippo Integration
  • Endpoint for vendor a/c and business details(can test)
  • Shipping charge introduced with split and eligibility
  • Shiprocket introduced

June 2021

  • Digital Product introduced
  • Shippo & shiprocket and wareIQ
  • Collection introduced
  • Subscription feature added
  • Auto generation of invoice added
  • Integrated Paypal
  • Auto backup database to S3 storage
  • Wallet introduced
  • Stripe added

May 2021

  • Create order from admin panel
  • Messaging Queue Integration
  • PayTM Payment Gateway Integration
  • OrderItems introduced
  • Customer Communication Module Introduced
  • Product Imprort facility improved to track each row for success and failure with error message (if any)
  • Introduced type based slug generation facility
  • Delete product via barcode
  • Popular search introduced
  • Textlocal SMS facility introduced
  • Enable admin to issue refunc through cashfree api
  • Product master ID introduced for grouping based on color and size

April 2021

  • Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) introduced
  • Auto fetch location info from entered pin code
  • SMS integration
  • Add Top vendors report to dashboard
  • Facility for delete all products
  • Enable admin to send push notification to choosen user
  • Cashfree Payment Gateway Integration

March 2021

  • Sizechart
  • Category wise product attribute
  • Product features
  • Reviews & Ratings
  • Impage upload core optimized for S3, Local
  • Azure storage prodvider introduced
  • Export facility intoduced
  • Email and Mobile login facility
  • Freshdesk integration

Febuary 2021

  • ImportProduct introuced
  • Multivendor
  • Live Streming
  • Blog
  • FAQ
  • Monitoring & MIS Reports
  • Cart sync across devices

January 2021

  • Multiple Images for 1 product
  • Improved Cart & Checkout
  • Improved Product categorization
  • Location based vendor selection(via coords and address)
  • Abandoned cart
  • Order history

December 2020

  • Referral functionality introduced
  • SMS introduced

January 2020

  • Improved documentation
  • Introduced affilate features
  • Flash deals + deals api
  • Elastic search
  • Email templates

July 2019

  • Fixed multilevel category issue
  • Introduced promo codes
  • Fixed memory leak
  • Introduced cloud based on fly image optimization
  • Faceted filters

March 2019

  • Admin panel re-designed with material design principle
  • Social login
  • Printable invoice
  • Multiple color options

August 2018

  • Multi vendor
  • Role based users
  • PWA enabled
  • Multi level category
  • Multiple customer address
  • Ratings & reviews

May 2018

  • Multi currency
  • Featured products
  • Related products
  • Multiple images for each product variant
  • Order mangement
  • Cash on delivery

January 2018

  • Simple ecommerce product listing
  • Cart & checkout
  • Authentication & authorization
  • Wishlist
  • Admin panel
  • Customer multiple address